April Awareness for School Counselors

April is the first full month of spring which brings the opportunity to educate students about alcohol use, prom safety, distracted driving, stress, and even sexual health issues.  Below is a list of awareness campaigns and several resources school counselors can use to educate their students.

Alcohol Awareness Month

Theme: “For the Health of It: Early Education on Alcoholism and Addiction”

The purpose of Alcohol Awareness Month is to increase public understanding and help communities focus on alcohol related issues. Researchers at the National Council on Alcoholism & Drug Dependence report that teen alcohol use is very dangerous to the student and community. Teen alcoholism is directly related to automobile accidents, violence, suicide, unsafe sex, and behavior problems at home and the school. Since the adolescent brain is not fully developed, teens may not be aware of the consequences of drinking during a celebration, party, in a car, or other social functions.  Preventing drinking at a young age is imperative to reducing alcoholism and future substance abuse.

Find resources to use with your school, parents, and students to increase awareness!


Organizer’s Guide
Facts About Underage Drinking
Healthy Place: Teen Alcohol Statistics

For Mental Health Professionals:

Toolkit: Connection Between Trauma and Substance Abuse

For Parents:

Talk to Your Grads About Alcohol Use
Organizing a Safe & Sober Event

For Students:

Self Test for Teens
Drinking Too Much Too Fast Can Kill You
Above the Influence
Teen Health Information on Drugs & Alcohol
Alcohol Energy Drinks

How to Choose a Designated Driver:

  • Call a cab.
  • Contact a local safe ride program like SafeRide America.
  • Request a ride from Uber or another car service.
  • Use public transportation.
  • Call your parent or another trusted adult.
  • Stay put until someone can pick you up or stay with a friend.

Global Youth Service Day

Global Youth Service Day is the only day of service designated for youth. 

Global Youth Service Day

Global Service Ideas Include

  • Host a bake sale to help hungry kids or set up a lemonade stand to help children with cancer.
  • Collect food for a local food bank.
  • Order trees to plant in your community.
  • Organize a trash mob to pick up litter on streets and highways.  See the video below from Baltimore for ideas.
  • National  Distracted Driving Awareness Month

    Traffic Safety Calendar
    Understanding the Distracted Brain

    Distracted Driving Poster
    Calls Kill Poster
    Consequences Can Be Deadly Poster

    Fact Sheets:
    Habit Worth Breaking
    Hands Free Myth

    Brains On Technology

    National Safety Council Videos

    Safe Prom and Graduation Awareness

    SADD Prom/Graduation Activities

    Some Ideas Before Prom Night…

    • Have elementary students write notes to high school students reminding them not to drink and drive on prom night.

    • Have flower shops hang a sign in their window asking students to stay sober.

    Safe Prom Events

    Safe and Sober Prom
    Post Prom
    After Prom

    Safety Tips for the CDC

    Sexual Assault Awareness Month

    National Sexual Violence Resource Center
    Sexual Assault Awareness Toolkit
    Safer Campus
    What is Campus Sexual Violence?
    Becoming an Agent of Social Change-Youth Guide
    Stopping Harassment at School
    What is Healthy Sexuality and Consent?
    Preventing Acquaintance Rape-Guide for Teens
    Surviving Acquaintance Rape

    Circle of 6 Phone App – Although developed for college students, think about adapting the Circle of 6 App for your high school students.  Great idea for teens to have before Spring Break and/or prom.  The phone app allows a teen to text your friends in the case of emergency and asks them to come and get him or her.

    Circle of 6 Instructions

    Healthy Relationship Toolkit

    STD Education and Awareness Month

    Sexually transmitted diseases can impact anyone, but takes a heavy toll on teens.  Teens under the age of 25 need to be tested at least twice a year.

    Most common STDs for Teens:


    STD Awareness Event Guide

    It’s Your Life: STD Testing

    Centers for Disease Control -Information regarding sexually transmitted diseases.

    Girls Health – Straight talk about STDs.

    Stress Awareness Month

    Stress Facts
    Stress Awareness Poster
    Stress Awareness Poster
    Email Blast
    Stress Tips
    Mayo Clinic: Stress Tips
    Coping in Hard Times For Youth
    Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Striking Out Stress Lesson Plan

    Day of Silence

    The Day of Silence (DOS) is a student led event to stand against bullying and harassment for LQBTQ students in schools.  The first event was held at the University in VA in 1996.

    Facts About the Day of Silence
    Day of Silence Poster
    Day of Silence Ideas
    DOS Pledge
    Tips When Facing Opposition from Administration
    Speaking Cards

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