Top 10 Blog Posts for 2018 for High School Counselors

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I decided to take the morning off and snuggle with my dogs on the couch.  Well, truth be told, my dogs don’t like me as much as they like my husband so they have moved to the other side of the couch (sigh). Feeling a little rejected, I decided to make time to write about my top 10 posts of 2018.  Hope you enjoy!

New for 2018, this post received a lot of positive comments from school counselors.  In fact, many school counselors find this technique to be very helpful when working with students who have a difficult time opening up in a traditional office setting.  This post outlines my steps for speaking to students outside of the office and I even include a free poster for your office.

To be honest,  I wrote this post after having a bad day.  In fact the week before I wrote this post, I experienced some pretty unsettling interactions with a colleague and I was feeling well, ticked.  In this post, I describe why some students do not like their school counselor and how other school counselors can identify signs of counselor burn out.  I received some “amens” from school counselors who realized they had a colleague in this phase of burnout.

For the second year in a row, this post continues to resonate with many school counselors and has been featured on other school counseling blogs.  I cannot reiterate enough how important self care is in our field and how many of us continue to fail to take care of our mental or physical health.  Hopefully,  you will find a tip or two that will be helpful to you in this post.

For five years in a row, this post has consistently made the top ten list on my blog.  In fact, I try to update this blog post so the number has increased from 173 to almost 200.  If you find a website or resource to add, feel free to message me!

Although I cannot take credit for this idea, I was happy to share it with other school counselors who work with students who self harm.  In fact, this past year I was invited to share this idea with other school counselors at Abraham Baldwin College Counseling Conference.  In my workshop, we talked about self harm and counselors even had the opportunity to make their own comfort kits. In fact, this post gives instructions on how to create your own kit.

Again another idea for which I cannot take credit, but was widely popular with school counselors.  This post gives ideas of how to incorporate coloring in your school counseling practice.  In this post, I give information about the benefits of coloring, ideas of how to institute the idea in your office, and I include free resources.  Again, many school counselors went wild about this idea.

This post came about when I decided to leave my job as a brick and mortar counselor to go into the virtual world.  This post encompasses some of the things that I wanted to do before I left my job along with a list of ideas for school counselors.  Apparently many school counselors liked my ideas and I had a lot of them give me some additional ideas as well.  Keep them coming!!

Like me, many of you agree that you do not know what to do when a student comes to your office and exposes that he/she is self injuring.  This post describes self injury and some tips for school counselors.  

Apparently, many of you have students with hygiene issues.  Yes, I can totally relate to this issue as many of my students are often facing the same problem.  Instead of being reactive, I wanted to help my students face their personal hygiene by giving them strategies.  Again, many of you found this post helpful and I am glad it has made a positive impact.

For three years now, this post has been my most popular blog post to date and I cannot blame school counselors for loving it.  Forms are my favorite things to collect and I am always trying to share with my audience.  In fact, I have a few other posts that have different resources and forms that you may want to check out as well.  

Well friends, 2018 is almost at an end and 2019 is less than a week away.  As always, thank you for viewing my blog and I can’t wait to share some ideas for new posts with you!!   

Happy New Year!!

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