Coordinating Red Ribbon Week Events

This is the second year in a row that I have been given the task to coordinate a district-wide Red Ribbon Week effort in our high schools and middle schools with peer leadership programs. Although it is a little (okay a lot) stressful, my motto is “go big or go home.” In this post I wanted to share our Red Ribbon Week activities among our participating schools.

If you are the one in your school coordinating Red Ribbon Week and I feel these ideas are a little over the top, keep reading!  I have included the 2017 Red Ribbon Kit link, supply ideas for Red Ribbon Week, additional activities and past posts from 2013-16.

Although it may be a hassle to coordinate Red Ribbon Week with all your other duties, it is important to make Red Ribbon Week meaningful to your students.  Think about going beyond the “crazy sock day” or “twin day” and amp up your efforts.  After you finish your week, I would love to hear about your ideas for drug awareness in your school.  So, please feel free to share!!!!

2017  Red Ribbon Week Campaign

2017 Red Ribbon Kit

Red Ribbon Resources

Red Ribbon Week Posts from For High School Counselors


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