Suicide Awareness for School Counselors

This is an archived post from 2015, but I think it is very relevant for 2017.  This post covers some resources and information for planning suicide awareness activities in your school.

If you have ever had a student to complete suicide, you never forget it.  You always think about what you could have said or done differently to change his or her mind.  The thought that bothers me  the most is that suicide is a preventable death.  The problem is that the topic is often considered taboo in the majority of schools. Wanting to know more, I decided to join our local suicide coalition to find training and resources to break down the stigma that exists in my community around suicide.  Since joining our coalition, I have learned a lot about the signs of suicide, how to speak to parents about an attempt, and what resources to offer our parents and teachers. Thankfully, my confidence has increased and I even train other educators about suicide prevention!

School counselors are often expected to be the school expert in suicide awareness and prevention; however,  many of my colleagues, including myself, are often petrified when we hear the word.  In my humble opinion, I believe that our fear comes from our lack of training, ignorance about protocols, and unfamiliarity with helpful resources.  Since September is Suicide Prevention Month, I wanted to share some resources, training, and helpful information.

13 Reasons Why: How School Counselors Can Help

13 Reasons Why Response for Education (National Association for School Psychologist)

13 Reasons Why Talking Points

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 

Ask for Help Cards 

100 Ways to Make It Through the Next Five Minutes 

Bullying and Suicide 

Center for Suicide Prevention – Tattered Teddies Handbook 

Depression and Suicide 

Gay and Suicidal 

Guidance of Students Returning to School After a Suicide Related Absence 

Lifeline Suicide Prevention E-Cards 

Lifeline Trilogy

Memorials After a Suicide  

Mental Health First Aid

More Than Sad 

My3app – Suicide Prevention App

National Suicide Prevention Week Ideas

Not My Kid – Video for parents

Prevent the Attempt  – What to say if your organization has an online presence.  

Preventing Suicide A Toolkit for High Schools

Question, Persuade, Refer – Gatekeeper training.

School Suicide Prevention Accreditation

Signs of Suicide  – Secondary Suicide Prevention Program.

Sources of Strength  – School program to prevent suicide.

Substance Use and Suicide Prevention 

Suicide Awareness Poster 

Suicide Isn’t About Wanting to Die 

Suicide Help Card 

Suicide Prevention Among LGBT Youth  

Suicide Prevention Resource Center 

Suicide Prevention Guide for Teachers 

Suicide Prevention Primer 

Suicide Shouldn’t Be a Secret 

2013 State Suicide Stats 

Suicidal Warning Signs 

Talking About Suicide With LGBTQ Populations 

Teens Reaction to the Anniversary Date of a Peers Death 

Teen Suicide – Facts and Information for Canadian Educators 

Trevor Project  – Resources for LGBTQ teens.

World Suicide Awareness Day  

Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention 

Youth Suicide Webinars


Source: Sources of Strength

Past Blog posts from For High School Counselors Regarding Suicide Awareness

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