Coming Soon: #SCCHAT!

If you are a technology professional or novice, YOU must consider joining #SCCHAT on Twitter.

What is #SCCHAT?

School Counselor Tweet Chat or #SCCHAT began as a collaboration on Twitter between School Counselor Blog and Scope in 2011. 

What is a Twitter Chat?

Well, first you have to be on Twitter to participate in a chat.  Next, you follow a conversation of participants who answer questions posed by the moderator using a common hash tag.  

How to Participate?

It is imperative that you sign up for a Twitter account. Once you sign up  for Twitter, it is highly suggested that you sign up for a Twitter conversation management platform like: Tweet Chat, Tweet Deck, or Hoot Suite

I could continue to ramble on, but Danielle Schultz, author of the School Counselor Blog, has put together a great post on how to create, log in, and follow a Twitter Chat.  So, now I will turn it over to Danielle.

When Can I Join?

Here is the upcoming schedule for the 2017-18 #SCCHAT schedule posted by Laura Ross.   

September 6th Topic 

Want to see past topics?  

Check out this past schedule from 2011-2015. 

Here is an additional chat to follow that focuses on our elementary school counselor colleagues. 


Also, check out past chats hosted by yours truly!!

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