Back to School Counseling Shopping: Recommended Links, Sites, Stores, & Books

As summer comes to a close, so does the opportunity for preparing for the beginning of the school year.  Summer is a great time to organize your office space, gather forms, purchase books, and buy your counselor swag.  In this post I have provided some suggestions of where you can purchase or find free (yes, free) resources.  Also, I have provided links to books specifically targeting high school counselors.  Hope you enjoy!!  

Recommended Sites for Resources, Forms, & Swag!

Counselor’s Cabinet:Resources for K-12

Counselor Created Store

Educator Swap and Shop

K-12 Counselor Exchange

Marco Products

Research Press

School Counselor Resources for Secondary School Counselors

School Counselor Space Store 

The School Counselor Store

School Counselor Swag-by the Counseling Geek 

Teachers, Counselors, and Specialists

The Counseling Geek T-Shirt Designs

The School Counselor Store

Youth Light: Secondary Resources

Recommended Books for School Counselors
If you are one of the lucky ones still on summer vacation (I am not…sigh), here are some links to recommended summer reading for high school counselors.  Also, I have included a link to a counseling book club, just in case you are interested in joining.

101 Solutions for School Counselors and Leaders in Challenging Times

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