Guest Blog: A School Counselor’s Role in Preventing Substance Abuse

Last year, I welcomed my first guest bloggers and received a lot of positive feedback.  Again, I am including a guest post written by Tim Wayne from Bradley University.   Hope you enjoy this information and I welcome your feedback!!

A School Counselor’s Role in Preventing Substance Abuse: An Infographic

Within the past decade, substance abuse among students below the age of 18 has risen. Despite more tools and research at our disposal, research tells us that students are less likely to understand the risks of taking drugs, have greater access to those substances, and receive less exposure to drug prevention messaging.

There are a wide range of warning signs when an at-risk student is having problems with substance abuse. When students begin to change habits, lose interest in extracurricular activities, or begin to slip academically, school counselors can help these students with direct intervention. However, school counselors can also play a vital part by spreading awareness and implementing prevention strategies to make a positive difference in their community before substance abuse begins to impact the lives of students.

Stemming the tide of substance abuse is a community effort, and school counselors are essential organizers of faculty, local authorities, and parents to convey consistent, effective drug-prevention messaging. Students need to be equipped with more than ‘Just Say No’; they need an on-going conversation about how substance abuse represents a serious issue in regards to their health and the well-being of their community.

Learn more about substance abuse statistics among teens in school, in addition to prevention strategies that school counselors can implement, with the infographic below created by Bradley University’s Counseling Program.

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