Hot New Project for Peer Mediation!

mediation enhanced my profession

Okay, I realized the other day that I have been in education a long time (sigh). During my career, I have been able to add on some additional skills that have worked to my advantage and some that were poor choices.  So, let’s talk about a positive!  One positive skill, in addition to my licensure in counseling, includes my certification
as a mediator in my home state.  Recently, my mediation skills have allowed me to meet some pretty awesome people in the conflict resolution field and participate in a really cool new project. In this post, I want to share an opportunity for your school to get involved;  however, if you are not interested, please let others know about this project.

What is the Online Peer Mediation Platform?

I am so excited to be a part of a new project sponsored by JAMS, the Association for Conflict Resolution, and the National Association of Peer Program Professionals.  In 2014, the Association of Conflict Resolution received a two year grant to create and sustain an online peer mediation platform for schools and students.  In addition to the website, project leaders will provide the following services to schools:

1.  Assist students in practicing their mediation skills with qualified mentors.
2.  Train students to become mediators.
3.  Provide mediation services for schools that lack a mediation program.
4.  Maintain a resource clearinghouse of resources and training materials.

So, let’s review each section of the project so that you gain a little knowledge about the platform.

Online Simulations

If you have a peer mediation program and would like to be involved in simulations and practice, OPMP is looking for 10 schools to participate.  Here is an example of the quality and feedback your students will receive (by the way, these are my babies!).

See more at the OPMP Website!

Training Students in Peer Mediation

Currently in development, the OPMP team is creating an online peer mediation training program for schools.  This soon-to-be released component of the website will be available to any school that desires a peer mediation program without the travel and high expense (yes!).

Peer Mediation Services

One of the most innovative parts of the Online Peer Mediation Platform is the ability to provide mediation services to students who want to go to mediation.  Although not operational as of date, this component will provide conflict resolution services to students, either at school or at home, without interrupting the school (a common complaint from teachers).


Another awesome component of the website will be the extensive catalog of resources in conflict resolution education.  Currently, there are several informational sources available and this list continues to grow! 

Who are the Team Members?

Who are the experts behind this project?  Here we are…

Dr. Judith Tindall, President of the National Association of Peer Program Professionals

Giuseppe Leone, Founder Virtual Mediation Labs

Jay Edwards, Web Consultant ReelFire Productions

Karen DeVoogd, Director of Mediator Mentors, California State University Fresno

Kristen Woodward, Conflict Resolution Specialist, Fairfax County Schools, VA

Cynthia Morton, Former Chair, Education, Research, and Training Section of the Association for Conflict Resolution

Well, are you interested in learning more?  All you have to do is contact our team and we will reach out to you!

Contact Form

You can also follow the OPMP Facebook page for the latest updates!

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