May Awareness Activities for School Counselors

National Anxiety and Depression Awareness Week – May 4-10 

Anxiety is the most common mental health issue among teens, but it is under diagnosed.  Left untreated, it can severely diminish productivity and a person’s lifestyle.  Educating students and parents about anxiety is a great way to get students and parents thinking about the difference between normal and overwhelming anxiety.  Also, I have included resources for school counselors as we need to be able to identify when students are exhibiting fears that are impacting his or her ability to function in school. 


What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder? 

Anxiety and Depression Association of America 

Anxiety Fact sheet for Adolescents and Teens 

Mental Health America 

Worry Wise Kids Accommodations for Anxious Students 

Students and Anxiety: The Role of the School Counselor 

Resources and Training for School Counselors 

Top Anxiety Blogs 

Global Youth Traffic Safety Month

The goal of this month long campaign, sponsored by NOYS,  is to raise awareness about youth safety issues during spring & summer events like prom, graduation, and summer driving.  According to researchers, May through July are the deadliest months for traffic accidents by teens.  

NOYS Twitter Chat 
May 6 @ 8PM ET – Drunk, Drugged and Drowsy Driving
May 13 @ 8PM ET – Seat Belts
May 20 @ 8PM ET – Driving Distractions
May 27 @ 8PM ET – Sharing the Road

Teen Driving Summit – October 16-20, 2015

NOYS Action Guide 

Mental Health Month

For 65 years, Mental Health America has observed mental health awareness month by providing resources and activities.  This year’s slogan is B4Stage4.

Outreach Ideas 
Get Informed Fact Sheet
Get Screened Fact Sheet
Get Help Fact Sheet
Calendar of Event

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

Many teens still think that teen pregnancy cannot happen to them so the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month helps them think before they get in the moment.

Office of Adolescent Health 

Stay Teen 

Get Involved – if you only have 5 minutes you can get involved in preventing teen pregnancy.

Adolescent Development 


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