March Social Awareness Events for School Counselors

It is hard to believe that it is almost March!  The month of March brings with it spring fever, state testing (yuck!), and the need for spring break for this school counselor.  Before we take a break, there are some important events that school counselors can bring awareness to in their schools.

March 1st

Self Harm Awareness 
Educate your students and staff on how to identify and help those who self harm.  

Healthy Place: Self Harm Awareness 
Self Injury Webinar 
Kati Morton-Sign up for a free workbook 
Extraordinary School Counselor Blog – Self Injury Resources 

March 18th

Kick Butts Day 
Allows youth to stand up and speak out against “Big Tobacco” by raising awareness about the problems of tobacco.

Some no/low cost activities include:

  • How Tobacco Targets Me– Send your students on a hunt for how tobacco targets youth in stores.  Students should be looking for candy cigars, large advertisements outside of convenience stores, e-cigarettes, or  tobacco products near the candy aisle. Students should post their photos using the hashtag #tobaccotargetsme.
  • Chalk the Walk – Use sidewalk chalk on the main entrance or sidewalks to create visuals and quotes to grab students and staff about tobacco.
  • Fatal Flaws– This one takes a little time, but can make an impact.  Choose a fatal flaw on the Toll of Tobacco page and collect the items to display in a public place.
  • Cups in a Fence – Spell out a powerful message about tobacco in a chain link fence. 
  • Tombstones– Create tombstones with messages or facts about tobacco.

March 23rd-27th

National Peer Helper Week
Show appreciation for your peer helpers!  Download the kit from the National Association of Peer Program Professionals.

National Peer Helper Kit 

Youth Violence Awareness
 Make your staff and students aware of youth violence and how to prevent it!  Download your activities from Students Against Violence Everywhere.

Printable Activities from SAVE 

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