Association for Conflict Resolution: Dating Violence Awareness Chat

If you missed the Association for Conflict Resolution Chat hosted by Emily Lindin, founder of the UnSlut Project, and me, you missed an awesome chat!!  Lots of resources were shared and people from all over the world came together to share information regarding their experiences with dating violence.  Please feel free to check out the transcript of the chat from storify.

About our sponsor:

The Association for Conflict Resolution Education, Research, and Training Section supports ADR practitioners from pre K-12 to higher education settings; provides a forum for exchange of ideas from all fields of conflict resolution research, practical applications and new ideas; and facilitates design and presentation of cutting edge programs that enhance trainer and training system development.

About our co-host:

The UnSlut Project  promotes gender equality, sex positivity, and comprehensive, age-appropriate sex education for all ages. This is a collaborative space for sharing stories and creating awareness about sexual bullying, slut shaming, and related issues. It is up to each of us to evaluate and take responsibility for our own assumptions and interactions with others. Join us in spreading the word and changing our world.

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