January Social Awareness Events for School Counselors

Each month, I have decided to post social awareness events for school counselors.  If you have any events that you would like to add, please contact me at Cynthia_Morton@yahoo.com.

January Awareness Events

National Thank You Month

January has been designated as National Thank You month!  It is always good to thank people for acts of kindness, hard work, support, and even pushing us to be our best.  As a school counselor, we should always thank our coworkers and parents for all they do to support us. Here are a few ideas:

  • Sponsoring a teacher breakfast to thank them for their dedication to students.
  • Buying lunch for a new teacher to thank them for not quitting their first semester (ha ha!).
  • Sending thank you notes home to parents who always attend meetings and are engaged in their students learning.
  • Covering a class for a teacher so he or she can have an extra period to do some errands, grade papers, or just to hang out.
  • Putting up a poster or sign on your principal’s door and thanking him or her for the support he or she gives your department.
  • Putting a sweet treat on your secretary’s desk for all the memos that are typed, the calls that are answered, and facing all the parents/students everyday.
  • Giving your custodians a small gift to thank them for keeping your office clean and tidy.
  • Putting a candy bar in each staff members box with a catchy “thank you” saying. 

Also, check out this Pinterest site for some great thank you ideas and see the list below from The Tip Junkie.

National Day of Service – January 19th

Inspire your students to get out and help others on MLK Day!

FAFSA Training Event

Read With Children

Red Cross Youth
United Way-Volunteering
Teen Life-Volunteering Ideas
NextStepU-Community Service
Volunteer Spot

No Name Calling Week – January 19 – 23

NNCW was founded in 2004 by GLSEN to address bullying, bias, and name calling in schools.  The goal of NNCW is for all students to feel safe and respected in their school. 

2015 Planning Guide – Contains goals, objectives, and a planning guide.
Backbonezone.org – Website that promotes bystander intervention to name calling by displaying posters in the school.  

Backbonezone poster


National Drug Facts Week – January 26 – February 1

National health observance week for teens promotes events that shatter the myths about drugs in schools. The NDFW site even allows you to order free materials for your event!

Promotion Widgets
Promotional Posters and Brochures
Free Lessons

See you in February!!

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