College Color Day: A Reach Higher Initiative

This year we celebrated College Colors Day as part of our “Reach Higher” initiative.  Fortunately, it was a big hit with some of our staff; however, I think we still have a lot of work to do to get our students excited about postsecondary options. 

Here are some of the highs and lows of getting staff and students involved in a school wide campaign like College Colors Day.

Well, now that you know how difficult it can be to get staff and students excited about participating in a big school event, let me show you some of the excitement and creativity of our staff. 

The registrar’s door.

My principal’s door!
Roll Tide!
One of our newer staff members put up a door…proud she participated!
Recent grad from USC
The Dawgs and Jackets were at peace on College Color Day!
This is a 3-D door!
E’nuff said…awesome!
This guy is no coward!
Go Dawgs
My counseling colleague

Okay this is me and my door…I was late getting it up, but I am still proud of it.  Please don’t judge.

I am planning on organizing College Color Day next year and my number one goal is to get students to ask our staff members questions about their college. 
Remember, the key is to keep on trying!!


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