Creating A College Aware Culture: Celebrating College Colors Day

This is the third year that our school will celebrate College Colors Day. College Color Day is a yearly event where students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite college team colors to celebrate the college experience. This year’s events at our school include:

  • a luncheon tailgate for the front office staff hosted by our peer helpers;
  • a staff door and student locker decoration contest (our principal is giving $50 to the winner of the locker contest);   
  • creating a staff bulletin board called “My College” that shows where each staff member attended school;
  • decking out the lunchroom with college pennants.
  • Signing students up to talk live with a representative via College Week Live.  College Week Live is a great event to promote and advocate for higher education among your high school students.  

Want to learn more about College Week Live?  Go to College Colors Day.

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