Calendar of Social Campaigns for School Counselors

Each year our counseling office, along with our peer helping program, participates in campaigns that bring attention to social issues in our school.  Whether you run a peer helping program or just want to bring attention to these social issues, you may want to consider adding some or all these events to your counseling program.


It Can Wait – Have your students take the “It Can Wait” pledge to encourage them to refrain from texting and driving.  Also, when you sign up, you receive free information to post around your school and a driving simulation for your students. 

Suicide Prevention Week – Encourage students to recognize the signs of suicide in friends and family members.  Encourage students with lifeline cards,  educate them about suicide prevention, and share free resources for your counseling office.


Red Ribbon Week – Download the 2014 Red Ribbon Week materials about drug and alcohol safety and prevention.  Red Ribbon Week is October 23rd-31st.

America’s Safe School Week – Students Against Violence Everywhere encourages schools to educate students about school violence and how it can be prevented by students.

National Bullying Prevention Week – Download educator toolkits and activities for your school to educate students about bullying prevention.

Mix It Up – Sponsored by Teaching Tolerance, Mix It Up Day encourages students to cross social boundaries at lunch to meet other students.  Download the Mix It Up kit from Teaching Tolerance.

Above the Influence – Above the Influence provides free videos, posters, and handouts to use in your schools to encourage students to be above the influence of drugs.

Teen Read Week – Partner with your librarian to encourage your teens to read for fun.

Conflict Resolution Day – Sponsored by the Association for Conflict Resolution each year, Conflict Resolution Day encourages schools to promote conflict resolution skills like mediation, non violent communication, and negotiation. 


National White Ribbon Day Although celebrated by our friends in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, National White Ribbon Day is led by guys to prevent violence against women.  It would be great to get male student leaders, athletes, and teachers to stand against dating and sexual violence against females in their schools.

World Kindness Day – On November 13th, give your students ideas of how to show kindness around their school.

Drowsy Driving Week -Download free materials and videos to educate students and parents about the dangers of drowsy driving.

Great American Smokeout – Sponsored by the American Cancer Foundation, the Great American Smokeout educates and encourages staff, parents, and students to give up smoking for one day every November.


National Impaired Driving Awareness Month – Each December, the NIDA campaign educates students about the dangers of driving under the influence of drugs. 

Stayed tuned for more awareness campaigns in 2015!

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