The Counselor Bowl 2014

Tonight is the Super Bowl and the night that NFL players have been working for all season. The Super Bowl celebrates those teams who have worked hard, persevered, and collaborated. The Super Bowl is not about one player, but about the entire team. All week in New York the citizens, players, and fans have been waiting for kick off.  Not only is New York waiting for the game, but so is my neighborhood. When I went to the grocery store today, there were lines of people buying chicken wings, chips, sodas, and snacks to go home and watch the game. Tomorrow, arm chair quarterbacks will be celebrating or complaining about the game and one team will go from hero to zero. But tonight, there is CELEBRATION!

Next week is the Super Bowl for school counselors. This is that one special week that we have the honor of celebrating our profession. In my opinion, the profession of school counseling is one of the most important professions in the world! As school counselors we are often great at celebrating others, but it is very difficult for us to promote ourselves.  I think it is great to be humble, BUT not this week!  This is the week I want you to “toot your horn”, strut your stuff, and show your skills. If we do not celebrate ourselves then that old question remains, “What does the school counselor do?”

At the beginning of the game tonight, the players for each team were asked, “When I play in the Super Bowl, I will  ________________.” My question to you is “When I celebrate National School Counselor Week, I will _______________.”

If you looking to celebrate, there are many events for school counselors happening on the web. Here are some of the different opportunities for you to celebrate our profession:

  • Open Spokes-The community asks you to post a video once a week on a specific topic.  Here is information about posting the video.

                                                      Open Spokes Instructions

  • Twitter Chats:

#SCCHAT-1st Tuesday of the month.
#ESCHAT-Every Thursday @ 8 pm.

  • Materials and Resources:

Ways to Celebrate NSCW#14!!
Download NSCW#14 materials

After NSCW14, don’t forget to continue collaborating with other counselors!

#SCCROWD Question & Answer Day-Feb. 18th

ASCA National Conference– Orlando Florida!

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