Thankful for LiveBinders!

My husband says that I am obsessed with finding resources to use with my students (he’s right!).  I have a habit of looking for resources while I am riding in the car, waiting in line at the grocery store, waiting in the lobby of the doctor’s office…well, you get the picture.  When I found the tech tool, LiveBinders, I was thrilled!

It is that time of the year for being thankful and sharing with others. I would like to share all the High School Counseling LiveBinder resources that I have located. I hope you will find these resources helpful for you and your students. If you have not created your own High School Counseling LiveBinders Shelf,  please consider and then feel share it with me!

Cedar Falls High School Counseling Live Binder
ASCA Ready To Use Templates from Karl Liedtka
South Dakota School Counselor Association Weebly of Resources
Missouri School Counseling Association Livebinder
North Carolina School Counselor Resources Livebinder
Resources for School Counselors Livebinder by Andrea Burston
Apex High School Counselors Resources
UCT High School Counselors Livebinder
High School Counseling Resources Livebinder
K-12 Career Resources Livebinder
School Counselor Resources Livebinder
Cedar Rapids, Iowa School Counseling Livebinder
Counseling Web Tools Livebinder
Tacoma Washington School Counselor Resources Livebinder
Resources for School Counselor Livebinder by Erin Heyerdahl
Burlingame School Counselor Resource Livebinder
Career Development and Planning Resource Livebinder by Cindy Miller
Illinois School Counselor Association Collaborative Livebinder
School Counselor Resources Livebinder by Laura Barrow
School Counseling Resource Livebinder by Jessica McCarty
Career Counseling Resource Livebinder by Richard Hall
Susan Langford’s School Counseling Livebinder
North Brunswick Township High School Guidance Livebinder
High School Counseling Application Livebinder
High School Counselor Resources Livebinder
PVHS School Counselor Senior Class Livebinder

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