Suicide Prevention Week-September 8-14, 2013

Thinking about promoting a suicide awareness campaign?  Is so, here are some resource kits you can access for your school.

American Association of Suicidology-contains a timeline, press release, proclamation, and ideas for promoting suicide awareness., community activities, resources, and newsletter.

Suicide Prevention Kit-state resources and websites.

Suicide Prevention Resource Center-webinars, warning signs, statistics, and resources.

Suicide Prevention Lifeline– a free 24/7 lifeline for people who are in crisis.

International Association for Suicide Prevention-suicidal behavior in adolescents, contagion, postvention, and helplines.

National Institute of Mental Health-publications, resources, statistics, and prevention ideas.

Centers for Disease Control-fact sheets, featured resources, and featured programs.

Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide-information about memorials, information for educators, suicide curriculum, and warning signs. myths, stigma and suicide, websites, warning signs, and resources.

Square-assessments and resources from Australia.

If you have participated in National Suicide Awareness Week in the past, I would love to hear your activities and ideas!

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