Students Against Violence Everyone

As a school conflict practitioner, I am always searching for outlets to promote conflict resolution to my students.  After listening to the Texas Conflict Coach’s radio program, I became very excited about the possibility of joining this organization to promote conflict resolution, violence prevention, and community service in my school.  One aspect of SAVE, which I really admire, is the fact that the organization encourages peers to become educators and advocates in the school.  Since, I am very passionate about peer education, peer advocacy, and peer leadership, I think SAVE could be a great avenue to support these activities.  

During the 2013-14 school year, I hope to use my new SAVE chapter members as mediators, educators, and ambassadors who can earn service learning elective credits for their contributions to the school community. In addition, I would like to offer a scholarship to a senior who embodies the goals of SAVE.  So, I guess my next step is to apply as a sponsor for SAVE…onward!

If you are interested in learning about SAVE, go to the SAVE website for more information.
Students Against Violence Everywhere

Also, stop in and listen to the Texas Conflict Coach, Pattie Porter, interview SAVE Board member Kit Evans. Pattie has a lot of great information for educators regarding conflict, bullying, violence prevention, and other issues in our schools.  

Check out her radio program here…
Texas Conflict Coach Online Radio by Texas Conflict Coach | Blog Talk Radio

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